The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After leaving Penn State in 1964 one course shy of a forestry degree, I served two years as a Peace Corps forester in the Dominican Republic just as that country was going through the throes of a terrible revolution in 1965. We volunteers survived by keeping our heads down and staying out of the capital--Santo Domingo. Returning home two years later, I was able to finish my degree in February 1967. The local draft board immediately sent me a letter to report for induction. While at Fort Knox, KY for basic training in 1967, I graduated in June--in absentia-- while carrying an M-14 rifle up Heartbreak Hill. Back home again in January 1970, I began a 36+ year professional forestry career with the PA Bureau of Forestry, the last 17 years as Nursery Operations Manager...I retired in June 2007...I married Sandra (Parkinson) Day in 1984. Her two children by a previous marriage provide us with lots of thrills and three wonderful grandchildren. I currently serve on the Penn State School of Forest Resources Advisory Board...Retired and living almost within sight of Beaver Stadium, life is great.